□ 日语会话水平: 能使用完整句子交流
□ 日语阅读与写作水平: N3
□ 普通车辆驾驶证持有的人优待
□ 看护职员初学者研修证书(前助手2级)持有的人优待
□ 看护福祉士从业者研修证书(前助手1级)持有的人优待
□ 看护福祉士证书持有的人优待
□ Inexperienced welcome, acceptable if there's a gap in employment, no qualifications required, no age limit, new graduates welcome, individuals in their 40s to 60s are also actively contributing, househusbands/housewives are also OK. As welcome requirements, if you have initial training, Helper level 2, practical training, Helper level 1, certified care worker, or a driver's license, it is even better. Moreover, we are looking for someone who can assist with bathing. Those who can drive a Hiace class commuter vehicle will be given preferential treatment, and a separate driving allowance will be provided.