□ 最低可工作一周1天、 一天2小时的人 □ 日语会话水平: 能使用只言片语交流 □ 日语阅读与写作水平: 只能使用片假名和平假名 □ <High school students are required to obtain permission from their school before applying for this position>
□ ◆No educational background required
□ ◆Experience not required
The Watami Group operates a variety of restaurant brands.
'Yakiniku no WATAMI', a contactless yakiniku restaurant for the New Normal era,
'Karaage no Genius', a genius combination of karaage and fried egg,
'bb.q OLIVE CHICKEN café', the No.1 fried chicken brand in South Korea, makes its first appearance in Japan
'Tori Melo', an izakaya for chicken lovers
'Miraizaka', a nostalgic but new NEO Bar, etc.