▼Deskripsi Pekerjaan
CAD operator!
Mainly revising, adjusting, and creating drawings by making full use of CAD software
Basic handling skills and basic knowledge of design and drafting are required.
Hourly wage: ¥1,650~¥2,063
Example of monthly salary: 284,350 yen
(Breakdown: Hourly wage x 7 hours and 50 minutes of actual work x 22 days + transportation expenses (subject to regulations))
Overtime work is paid separately.
▼Jangka Waktu Kontrak
Renewal every 2 months
▼Hari dan Jam Kerja
9:00~17:50 (7 hours and 50 minutes)
1 hour break
▼Kerja Lembur
About 10 hours
▼Liburan dan Hari Libur
Tuesday, Wednesday, two days off per week
115 days off per year / Company calendar specified / Year-end and New Year vacations, GW, summer vacation
▼Pelatihan dan Masa Percobaan
▼Lokasi perusahaan
1F Shingai Royal Heights, 5-20 Hiyoshi-cho, Oita City, Oita Prefecture
▼Tempat Bekerja
Nakajima-Nishi, Oita City, Oita Prefecture
7 min. drive from JR Nippo Main Line (Mojiko - Saiki)
▼Asuransi yang tersedia
Full social insurance
▼Kesejahteraan dan Tunjangan Lainnya
- Paid Leave System
- P-Concierge preferential service
- Advance salary payment system (up to 100,000 yen from the amount worked during the month)
- Friend referral system (You&Me bonus)
- Award system (Best Staff Award, Excellent Staff Award)
- Retirement benefit system (paid after 3 years of continuous service)
▼Langak-langkah untuk mencegah perokok pasif
Smoking is prohibited in principle in the Shikoku area (Smoking room facilities).