
[Oita, Oita City] Looking for Kitchen Assistant Staff! Weekends and Holidays Off - No Experience Required!


[Oita, Oita City] Looking for Kitchen Assistant Staff! Weekends and Holidays Off - No Experience Required!

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Short working hours with weekends and holidays off!
No experience required!
Transportation fee paid!
Pekerjaan Dengan Bahasa Jepang Tingkat Pemula

Informasi Pekerjaan

Jenis Pekerjaan
Restoran / Staf Dapur
Cara Bekerja
Karyawan Sementara
・Oita, Oita Pref.
1,150 ~ 1,438 / jam

Persyaratan Pekerjaan

Keahlian Bahasa Jeoang
Tingkat percakapan
Tingkat Bahasa Inggris
Tidak Ada
□ Tingkat Percakapan Bahasa Jepang: Dapat Berbicara Percakapan Sederhana
□ Tingkat Membaca dan Menulis Bahasa Jepang: N4
□ The recruitment conditions are as follows:
□ - Welcome to inexperienced persons
□ - Age does not matter
□ - Dependents can work within the allowance
□ - Part-time welcome, starting from 3 days a week okay
□ - Flexible work style possible
□ - Light work with little physical burden
□ - Car commuting possible, free parking lot available
□ - Start as a working adult with no experience possible
□ - Men and women are active, gender-free environment
□ - People over the age of 65 are also OK
□ As a measure to prevent passive smoking, the premises are in principle non-smoking (with a designated smoking room set up).

Working Hours

Minimum hari kerja :
3 hari di Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
Minimum jam kerja:
Hari kerja 6 jam dari pukul 8:00 hingga 14:00

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

▼Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Culinary and support staff.

- Warming up factory food
- Easy preparation of food
- Cleaning and putting away cooking utensils
- Assist in cleaning cooking area

- Hourly wage ranges from 1,150 yen to 1,438 yen.
- Monthly income (example) is 151,800 yen, broken down as follows: hourly wage x 6 hours per day x 22 days
- Overtime work is paid separately.
- Transportation expenses are paid (subject to regulations).

▼Jangka Waktu Kontrak
Renewal every 2 months

▼Hari dan Jam Kerja
Working hours
6 hours work from 8:00 to 14:00

Break time
No break time

▼Kerja Lembur
nashi (Pyrus pyrifolia, esp. var. culta)

▼Liburan dan Hari Libur
Holidays are Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and complete weekends.

Golden Week, summer vacation, and New Year's holidays are available
Holiday requests can be discussed.

▼Pelatihan dan Masa Percobaan
No content

▼Lokasi perusahaan
1F Shingai Royal Heights, 5-20 Hiyoshi-cho, Oita City, Oita Prefecture

▼Tempat Bekerja
Work location: Miyazaki, Oita City, Oita Prefecture, Japan
Address: Miyazaki, Oita City, Oita Prefecture

6 minutes by car from "Oita Daigaku-mae" station on the Aso Kogen line.
10 minutes by car from "Nakabanda" station on the Aso Kogen line.
6 minutes by car from Shikido Station on the Aso Kogen Line

Car commuting is possible and free parking is available.

▼Asuransi yang tersedia
The insurance coverage is as follows

- Social insurance (health insurance, employee pension insurance, unemployment insurance, workers' accident compensation insurance)

▼Kesejahteraan dan Tunjangan Lainnya
- Commuting allowance (subject to regulations)
- Retirement allowance system available (paid after 3 full years of employment based on internal rules and regulations)
- Advance payment system (Salary advance payment system, up to 100,000 yen with stipulations)
- Friend referral system (You&Me bonus)
- Award system (selection and awarding of the Best Staff Award and Excellent Staff Award every February)
- Free rental of uniforms
- Separate smoking and non-smoking areas (no smoking on the premises in principle; smoking rooms have been set up)
- Access to the "P-Concier" welfare program

▼Langak-langkah untuk mencegah perokok pasif
Smoking is prohibited on the premises in principle (smoking rooms are available)
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