
12,000 yen per day from April! Traffic Security Staff 30,000 yen as a gift for joining the company!


12,000 yen per day from April! Traffic Security Staff 30,000 yen as a gift for joining the company!

Gambar pekerjaan dari 7328 at NIPPON GUARD CO.,LTD.-0
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Day shift!
All you need is motivation!
People in their 50s and 60s are also active!

Informasi Pekerjaan

Jenis Pekerjaan
Satpam / Petugas Lalu Lintas・Keamanan Acara
Cara Bekerja
Paruh Waktu
・Kodaira, Tokyo
12,000 ~ / hari

Persyaratan Pekerjaan

Keahlian Bahasa Jeoang
Tingkat percakapan
Tingkat Bahasa Inggris
Tidak Ada
□ Dapat bekerja setidaknya 2 hari per minggu, 8 jam per hari
□ Tingkat Percakapan Bahasa Jepang: Dapat Berbicara Percakapan Sederhana
□ Tingkat Membaca dan Menulis Bahasa Jepang: Hanya Hiragana dan Katakana

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

▼Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Security Staff

<Job Description>
- Traffic Guidance

We ask you to maintain crowds, guide people and cars to ensure they pass safely and patrol the streets.
Please be assured that you will be carefully instructed on how to respond to problems and emergencies.
You can consult with our senior staff members about any problems or questions you may have.

Security staff: 12,000 yen per day or more
Including transportation expenses *Daily wage compensation is available even if you finish early.

▼Jangka Waktu Kontrak
No fixed term of contract

▼Hari dan Jam Kerja
Shifts: 8 hours per day, 2 days per week

Work details
1) 8:00~17:00
2) 9:00~18:00

▼Kerja Lembur
Basically none

▼Liburan dan Hari Libur
Twice a week

▼Pelatihan dan Masa Percobaan
★Given during training: 22,260 yen (20 hours)

▼Lokasi perusahaan
4-33-5 Hana Koganei, Kodaira, Tokyo

▼Tempat Bekerja
★Travel to and from the work location directly available

<Interview Location>
4-33-5, Hana Koganei, Kodaira, Tokyo

▼Asuransi yang tersedia
Available (ability to join depends on number of hours worked)

▼Kesejahteraan dan Tunjangan Lainnya
Uniform rental
Social insurance system available
Training available

▼Langak-langkah untuk mencegah perokok pasif

▼Komen Lainnya
<Full support system>
We will guide you through your work from the ground up with our extensive training!
We have a full follow-up system in place to help you make your debut in the field with confidence!
You'll also strengthen your bond with your colleagues by following each other's lead!
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