
【Tokyo/Kanagawa】Recruitment of Security Staff!


【Tokyo/Kanagawa】Recruitment of Security Staff!

Gambar pekerjaan dari 8078 at PSS Co., Ltd.-0
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Those who can work at night are welcome!
You can work from 1 day a week, free shift and easy to fit in with your life.
No experience necessary. 50,000 yen as a gift for joining the company and full support to get started.

Informasi Pekerjaan

Jenis Pekerjaan
Satpam / Petugas Lalu Lintas・Keamanan Acara
Cara Bekerja
Paruh Waktu
・Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
11,000 ~ 12,500 / hari

Persyaratan Pekerjaan

Keahlian Bahasa Jeoang
Tingkat percakapan
Tingkat Bahasa Inggris
Tidak Ada
□ Dapat bekerja setidaknya 1 hari per minggu, 8 jam per hari
□ Tingkat Percakapan Bahasa Jepang: Dapat Berbicara Percakapan Sederhana
□ Tingkat Membaca dan Menulis Bahasa Jepang: N4
□ Those who can work at night are welcome to apply.
□ Those who have the status of residence "Permanent Resident", "Long-term Resident", "Spouse", "Foreign Student", "Family Resident".

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

▼Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Would you like to work as a traffic guard? You will be entrusted with the important role of guiding cars and people safely through the area. No experience is necessary, and we will carefully teach you from the beginning, so you can start with confidence.

[Security guard]
- You will guide and direct cars and pedestrians safely.
- Responsible for security around construction sites and event venues.
- Make rounds for crime prevention and accident prevention.

-Day shift 11,000 yen and up (Night shift 12,500 yen and up)
- 50,000 yen will be given as a gift for joining the company (with stipulations).
- Salary can be paid daily, bi-weekly, or in advance of the working hours (with stipulations).
- Full daily wages are guaranteed even if you finish work early.

▼Jangka Waktu Kontrak
1 year (renewable)
*All members have been renewed.

▼Hari dan Jam Kerja
Working hours
- Day shift: 8:00-17:00 (8 hours per day)
- Night shift: 20:00 - 5:00 the next day (8 hours)

Break time
1 hour

Minimum working hours
- 8 hours a day

Minimum working days
- 1 day per week OK

Work period
- Minimum of 1 day and short term

Days of the week to work
- Days of the week: Negotiable

▼Kerja Lembur
Generally none.

▼Liburan dan Hari Libur
Varies depending on shift

▼Pelatihan dan Masa Percobaan
20 hours of legal training available (no change)

▼Lokasi perusahaan
2F Pamis Yoyogi Uehara SOUTH, 3-1-15 Uehara, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

▼Tempat Bekerja
Company Name: PSS Co.
Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, Tokyo Station area
Generally go directly to the site and go home

▼Asuransi yang tersedia
Completion of social insurance (statutory)

▼Kesejahteraan dan Tunjangan Lainnya
- Transportation expenses provided
- 50,000 yen as a gift for joining the company (with stipulations)
- Daily and bi-weekly pay is available (with stipulations)
- Full daily wage guarantee (daily wage is guaranteed even if you leave early)
- Various allowances
- Full-time employee promotion available
- Support system for qualification acquisition available

▼Langak-langkah untuk mencegah perokok pasif

▼Komen Lainnya
We will follow up with you to make sure you are successful even if you have no experience!
You can work while being taught by senior foreign nationals who are working.
When you get used to the job, you can aim to obtain a certification. You will be paid more.
You can book shifts at any time you like, so you can work according to your lifestyle!

Tentang Perusahaan

PSS Co., Ltd.
As our company name suggests, our philosophy is "Passion", "Serio", "Integrity", and "Service", and all of our employees are committed to their work.
If you agree with this philosophy, we would like to hire you regardless of your nationality, gender, or gender.

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