
No Experience Welcome! We Are Looking for Full-Time Demolition Workers!


No Experience Welcome! We Are Looking for Full-Time Demolition Workers!

Tanaka Shosuke Shoten Co.의 11225 채용 정보 이미지-0
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Qualification acquisition support system is available! Opportunity to learn new skills even if you have no experience!
Various allowances and benefits are also available! We welcome those who want to work for a long term.

채용 정보

건설 / 해체
직업 유형
・Aichi All Areas, Aichi Pref.
246,500 ~ / 월급

자격 요건

일본어 수준
일상 회화
영어 수준
□ 일본어 회화: 기본적인 일본어 말하기가 가능함
□ 일본어 읽기, 쓰기: N4
□ No experience required
□ Demolition experience or civil engineering experience preferred
□ Permanent resident, permanent resident, or spouse status holders
□ We are looking forward to working with you if you have any interest in demolition work and want to work for a long time!

업무 내용

▼업무 내용
[Heavy Equipment Operator]
Operate heavy equipment at demolition sites to destroy buildings.

This job involves using gas cutting machines to cut steel frames, steel materials, and other metals during building demolition.

Tobidoka work at demolition sites to assemble and remove the scaffolding necessary for demolition work.

<Daily Work Flow> 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
8:00...Start work
10:00...30 minute break
10:30...Resume work
12:00...Lunch break
13:00...Start afternoon work
15:00...30 minute break
15:30...Work resumes
17:30...End of work

Annual income: 5.4 million yen (31 years old, 2nd year)

Monthly salary: 246,500 yen~ (including fixed overtime)

[Fixed overtime pay]
57,500 yen/40 hours (excess amount will be paid separately)

[Various allowances]
- Technical skill allowance
- Position allowance
- Family allowance
- Qualification Allowance
- Commuting allowance (full amount)

Twice a year

[Salary increase]
Once a year

▼계약 기간
without a fixed contract period

[Working hours]

[Break time]
2 hours

▼시간 외 노동
Basically none

Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays
*Depends on company calendar
*Saturday work is required twice a month.

- Golden Week holidays
- Summer vacation
- New Year vacations

[Paid vacations]
10 days~ (after 6 months of employment)

During the probationary period (3 months), the employee is a contract employee.
*During the probationary period, daily wage is 10,000 yen~.

▼회사 위치
2-88, Komadome-cho, Kita-ku, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan

Mainly works at each site in 4 prefectures in Tokai.
(Aichi, Gifu, Mie and Shizuoka Prefectures)
*Car and motorcycle commuting are available.

Social insurance.
- Health insurance
- Employees' pension
- Employment insurance
- Workers' accident compensation insurance

▼복리 후생 등
- Full payment of transportation expenses
- Support for work clothes
- Qualification Acquisition Support System (full coverage of acquisition fees)
- Regular health checkups
- Traveling
- Retirement benefit system (for a period of 3 years or more)

▼흡연 정보
None in particular

기업 정보

Tanaka Shosuke Shoten Co.
By removing old buildings, new life is breathed into them. Tanaka Sosuke Shoten believes that demolition is the beginning of new creation and the first step toward urban renewal.
As demolition professionals, we want to play a part in urban renewal. With this in mind, we make the most of the technology and know-how we have accumulated over our 90-plus year history, no matter the time period or project. In addition to demolition work, we also contribute to the realization of comfortable and livable local environments and a prosperous corporate society through renewal and earthquake-resistant reinforcement work. We aim to be a company that is needed by society and loved by everyone.

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