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Manufacturing Operator Wanted!

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Manufacturing Operator Wanted!

Hình ảnh công việc của 3987 tại JOYU PULP Co.,Ltd.-0
Thumbs Up
Long-term employment with stable income.

Many foreign staff members also work here, so you can rest assured.

Recommended for those who are dexterous with their hands and want to work with machines.

You can take a tour of the workplace!
Việc Làm Tại Nhà ở Công Ty

Thông tin việc làm

Nghề nghiệp
Sản xuất / Lắp ráp・Xử lý・Kiểm tra
Loại công việc
Nhân viên chính thức
Nơi làm việc
・Kamisu, Ibaraki Pref.
222,500 ~ / tháng

Yêu cầu công việc

Trình Độ Tiếng Nhật
Giao tiếp cơ bản
Kỹ năng tiếng Anh
Không Có
□ Có thể làm ít nhất 5 ngày mỗi tuần, 8 giờ mỗi ngày
□ Trình độ hội thoại tiếng Nhật: Có thể nói tiếng Nhật cơ bản
□ Trình độ đọc và viết tiếng Nhật: Có thể đọc hiragana và katakana
□ No experience necessary.
□ Forklift license is preferred.
□ We are looking for people with the following status of residence
□ (Permanent Resident / Long-term Resident / Spouse or Child of Japanese National / Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident)
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Chi tiết công việc

▼Nhiệm Vụ Công Việc
On the production line of pulp for construction materials, we perform raw material input, machine operation, and shipping operations.

■Transporting raw materials and feeding them into machines using forklifts
■Operating switches, valves, etc.
■Simple shipping inspection and packing work
■Assisting with maintenance, cleaning, and repair of machines

*Moderate physical exertion along the manufacturing line process, rather than working in the same place.

Base salary: 222,500 yen
In addition, the following allowances are provided
・Late night allowance
・Commuting allowance
・Family allowance
・Housing allowance (depending on conditions)

▼Thời hạn hợp đồng
No fixed term of contract

▼Ngày và Giờ Làm Việc
5 days per week, 8 hours per day
Shift system
①8:00 - 20:00
②20:00 - 8:00

▼Làm thêm giờ
Yes (30-45 hours)

▼Ngày lễ/nghỉ phép
・Saturday (Working on Saturdays might be required, 0-2 times/month)
・Sunday (Working on Sundays might be required, 0-1 times/month)
・Year-end and New Year holidays
・Golden Week
・Summer vacation

▼Thời gian đào tạo/thời gian thử việc
Yes (3 months)
No change in conditions

▼Địa điểm Công Ty
830 SangawachōShikokuchuo, Ehime 799-0431

▼Địa điểm làm việc
2699-8 Sunayama, Kamisu-shi, Ibaraki 314-0255

▼Tham gia bảo hiểm
Health insurance
Employee pension
Unemployment insurance
Workers' accident compensation insurance

▼Phúc lợi
・Scholarship repayment system: Up to 100,000 yen per year (8,400 yen per month)
・Retirement allowance system: after 3 years of service
・Support system for qualification acquisition is available
・Salary increase once a year
・Bonus twice a year (based on performance)
・Paid vacations
・Uniforms are lent
・Free parking available
・Family allowance: 3,500 yen for spouse, 2,500 yen per child (up to high school age)
・Commuting allowance: Available (maximum 20,000 yen per month)
・Housing allowance
① Not provided for those who commute from home.
② Company housing is available for 7,000 yen including utilities
③ No housing allowance if moving from home more than 50 km from the company to any apartment near the company.
 However, there is a "work location allowance" based on a maximum of 100,000 yen per year for a period of 10 years.
・Holiday allowance
 Saturday work: 25% increase
 35% increase for work on Sundays

▼Thông Tin Về Hút Thuốc
No smoking in the office, inside the factory
Designated smoking areas

If you have any questions, please contact us anytime.
Our seniors, supervisors and co-workers will be happy to help you.
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