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Coca-Cola Delivery Full-Time Driver Needed in Aichi, Gifu! We are looking for full-time Coca-Cola delivery drivers!

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Coca-Cola Delivery Full-Time Driver Needed in Aichi, Gifu! We are looking for full-time Coca-Cola delivery drivers!

Hình ảnh công việc của 5006 tại SIGMA LOGISTICS-0
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200,000 yen as a congratulatory reward for joining the company!
We Support for acquisition of medium & large size driver's license is available!
Việc Làm Có Thưởng Khi Tham Gia

Thông tin việc làm

Nghề nghiệp
Dịch vụ vận chuyển / Tài xế giao thực phẩm
Loại công việc
Nhân viên chính thức
Nơi làm việc
・和田町旭88 , Kounan, Aichi Pref. ( Map Icon Bản đồ )
・下有知4354-1 , Seki, Gifu Pref. ( Map Icon Bản đồ )
・南柴田町二の割170-9 , Toukai, Aichi Pref. ( Map Icon Bản đồ )
・土岐ヶ丘4-6-3 , Toki, Gifu Pref. ( Map Icon Bản đồ )
・大字中志段味字下定納80番 GLP名古屋守山, Nagoyashi Moriyama-ku, Aichi Pref. ( Map Icon Bản đồ )
228,000 ~ / tháng

Yêu cầu công việc

Trình Độ Tiếng Nhật
Cấp độ cao cấp trong công việc
Kỹ năng tiếng Anh
Không Có
□ Có thể làm ít nhất 5 ngày mỗi tuần, 8 giờ mỗi ngày
□ Trình độ hội thoại tiếng Nhật: Có thể tự do nói về các tình huống hàng ngày
□ Trình độ đọc và viết tiếng Nhật: N3
□ Those who have a regular driver's license (limited AT OK)
Nộp đơn

Chi tiết công việc

▼Nhiệm Vụ Công Việc
You will deliver Coca-Cola products to supermarkets, family restaurants, and other retail stores and restaurants.
You will ride in a company car (AT) and go around a fixed area for a short distance, so it is easy to learn the route!
After delivery, you will collect payment and head to the next store.

There are also positions where you will go around vending machines to refill drinks and collect empty cans.
We also support you in obtaining a driver's license. You do not need a truck license or driving experience to apply!

Aichi Prefecture
Monthly salary from 255,000 yen
(Fixed overtime work of 55,000 yen = equivalent to 42.22 hours is included / any overtime will be paid separately)

Gifu Prefecture
Gifu Prefecture】 Monthly salary: 228,000 yen~ (fixed overtime: 28,000 yen)
(Fixed overtime work of 28,000 yen = equivalent to 21.34 hours is included / overtime will be paid separately)

Salary increase, bonus and other benefits
* Salary increase once a year
* Bonus: Twice a year
* Full transportation allowance (fuel allowance for those commuting by car)
* Delivery allowance (incentive based on sales/average 21,500 yen)
* Regional allowance 58,000 yen/month (included in monthly salary)

▼Thời hạn hợp đồng
No fixed term of contract

▼Ngày và Giờ Làm Việc
5 days a week
Working hours: 8:30~17:30 (8 hours per day, 1 hour break)

* Shifts are applied for every month (please consult with us if you have any requests)

▼Làm thêm giờ

▼Ngày lễ/nghỉ phép
・2 days off per week (holidays will be taken into consideration according to your wishes! Weekends and consecutive holidays are also possible!)
・107 days off per year
・Paid vacations
・Leave for congratulation or condolence
・Maternity/paternity leave

▼Thời gian đào tạo/thời gian thử việc
Training available

▼Địa điểm làm việc
【Aichi Prefecture】 【Aichi Prefecture
Konan Branch: 88 Asahi, Wada-cho, Konan City, Aichi Prefecture
Tokai Branch: 170-9, Ninowari, Minami-Shibata-cho, Tokai, Aichi, Japan
Nagoya Moriyama Branch: 80, Aza Shimojina, Oaza-Nakashidami, Moriyama-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi GLP Nagoya Moriyama

【Gifu Prefecture】
Toki Branch: 4-6-3, Tokigaoka, Toki-shi, Gifu
Seki Branch: 4354-1 Shimoarichi, Seki-shi, Gifu

▼Tham gia bảo hiểm
Various types of social insurance

▼Phúc lợi
・Congratulatory reward of 200,000 yen for joining the company
・Uniforms are lendable.
・Dormitory available (3 months' rent paid in full by the company)
・Relocation expenses paid (with stipulations)
・Traveling expenses to new location provided (with stipulations)
・Safe driving commendation money
・Various training programs are available.
・Support for acquisition of medium and large size driver's license (company pays for the cost)
・Retirement allowance system

▼Thông Tin Về Hút Thuốc
Nộp đơn

Thông tin công ty

Since 1980, we have developed total logistics solutions for major beverage manufacturers and other clients in the supply chain area, including bulk outsourcing, partial outsourcing, and temporary staffing, as an outsourcing company specializing in logistics.
We are mainly responsible for Coca-Cola products from manufacturing to sales.

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