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【Fukuoka】Part-time English Teacher for Omotenashi English

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【Fukuoka】Part-time English Teacher for Omotenashi English

Hình ảnh công việc của 693 tại International Educational Systems, Inc. 国際教育システム㈱-0

Thông tin việc làm

Nghề nghiệp
Ngôn ngữ・Giáo dục・Giáo viên / Giáo viên tiếng anh
Loại công việc
Bán thời gian
Nơi làm việc
・Fukuoka City All Areas, Fukuoka Pref.
3,500 ~ 4,000 / giờ

Yêu cầu công việc

Trình Độ Tiếng Nhật
Giao tiếp cơ bản
Kỹ năng tiếng Anh
Bản Xứ
Must curently reside in Japan
Must have a bachelor's degree or higher
Must have 3 years experience in teaching English to Japanese speaker.
Nộp đơn

Working Hours

Số ngày làm việc tối thiểu :
Giờ làm việc tối thiểu:

Chi tiết công việc

Location of work: Hakata-ku, Fukuoka city (福岡市博多区)
Nearest station: Hakata station
Days of work: every Tuesday
Work hours: 6:00-7:30pm (90 min)
Start date: April 2018
Duration of course: 6 months
Compensation: 3,500 ~4,000 yen per hour, plus travel expense will be fully covered.

International Educational Systems, Inc. (a Tokyo-based company) is looking for a professional English teacher to teach a private class described below.
All candidates must have at least 3 years of related teaching experience.

Kind of work: to teach entry-level English course for a group of Japanese sport facility staff

Compensation: 3,500 yen per hour, plus travel expense will be fully covered.

【We are also hiring Kagawa location.】
Location of work: Kotobuki-cho, Takamatsu city (2-3 minutes walk from Takamatsu station)

---Application process ---
Please contact us via email along with your resume including your photo.

1. Technical screening
2. Skype Interview

If you have any questions regarding this job listing, feel free to contact Yujiro Hirai.

International Educational Systems, Inc.
2-1-1 Nihonbashi Horidomecho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Nộp đơn

Thông tin công ty

International Educational Systems, Inc. 国際教育システム㈱
We, International Educational Systems, Inc. (IES), are a legally registered company that serves Japanese children with English language courses since 1975.
The children at IES School range in ages from 3 to 12 and attend a class once a week after school during the week or Saturday and most of the classes are taught both by a Japanese English teacher and a native English teacher for half an hour each according to the curriculum and teaching material provided by IES.
The English classes of IES originally started at the American School in Japan (ASIJ) in 1975.

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