▼Job Responsibilities
You will be guiding traffic and pedestrians at civil engineering and construction sites.
Base salary 9,500 yen + field allowance + job performance allowance + skills allowance + service allowance
Separate night shift allowance for night shift
〈Salary Example〉
・Experienced and qualified: 13,000 yen per day
・No experience and no qualifications: 11,000 yen per day
▼Contract Period
No fixed term of contract
▼Working Days and Hours
Day shift: 8am-5pm
Night shift: 8pm-5am (depends on site)
Break time: 60 minutes
Shifts are based on your own schedule, so you can decide your own work days!
▼Overtime Details
Overtime may be required at some sites
Shift system so you can decide your own days off.
New employee training (20 hours) upon hire
There may be a probationary period.
Training allowance: 9,500 yen base salary
▼Company Location
Headquarters: 2F H.G.C Bldg., 2-8-3, Higashi-kannda, Chiiyoda, Tokyo
▼Work Location
Work location will be at each construction site.
You will be notified of your work location the day before your work day.
▼Available Insurance
Health Insurance
Employees' Pension
Nursing Care Insurance
Unemployment Insurance
*You must meet the eligibility requirements to join social insurance.
All transportation expenses paid
Full social insurance
Paid vacations
Salary increase at any time
▼Smoking Information
Smoking is subject to the rules of each site.