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【Shizuoka, Kosai】Automotive Parts Machining Operator in Kosai, Shizuoka, Japan! We are looking for a person who is confident in his or her physical strength! We are looking for people in their 20's to 50's who are confident in their physical strength!


【Shizuoka, Kosai】Automotive Parts Machining Operator in Kosai, Shizuoka, Japan! We are looking for a person who is confident in his or her physical strength! We are looking for people in their 20's to 50's who are confident in their physical strength!

Job image of 2782 at IKAI INDUSTRY Co., Ltd.-0
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It's an easy job!
They teach you how to do your job carefully.
Inexperienced workers are welcome!

Job Information

Job Type
Manufacturing / Assembly・Processing・Inspection
Work Type
・Kosai, Shizuoka Pref.
1,200 ~ 1,500 / hour

Job Requirement

Japanese Level
English Level
□ Can work at least 5 days per week, 8 hours per day
□ Japanese conversational level: Can speak basic Japanese
□ Japanese reading and writing level: Can read hiragana and katakana
□ Has one of the following visa : Permanent, Long-term, Spouse visa
□ Can do shift work and work overtime

Job Description

▼Job Responsibilities
Auto parts machine operator
Processing and inspecting tasks

From 1,200 yen to 1,500 yen per hour

▼Contract Period
3 months

▼Working Days and Hours
2-shift system
8 hours per day
5 days per week

▼Overtime Details
existence (at the present moment)

2 days off

Training period available (conditions remain the same during the training period)

▼Company Location
Shizuoka-ken, Chuo-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Sumiyoshi, 3-18-6 (430-0906))

▼Work Location
Shizuoka, Kosai

▼Available Insurance
health insurance

welfare annuity insurance

Unemployment insurance

Nursing care insurance

Workers' Accident Compensation Insurance

Transportation expenses paid (according to regulations)
Social insurance is provided.
Dormitory and company housing available
Free work clothes

▼Smoking Information
Smoking is prohibited (on the premises), but there is a smoking area (subject to company regulations).

Senior staff will teach you carefully !
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