▼Job Responsibilities
Customer Guide
Table Setup
Taking orders
Serving food and drinks
Kitchen, washing up, etc.
Part-time job Hourly wage
From 1,200 yen
After 10:00 p.m.: 1,500 yen and up
From 1,150 yen during training
Monthly salary: 260,000-600,000 yen
Late night allowance
▼Contract Period
More than 3 months
▼Working Days and Hours
Working hours:
10:00 - 24:00
▼Overtime Details
shift system
Training period: one month
Hourly wage during training period: 1150 yen, Hokkaido 1150 yen
▼Work Location
There are many stores not listed in the work locations!
▼Available Insurance
Active promotion of employees
Company insurance
Bribe provided
Transportation expenses paid
Uniform rental
▼Smoking Information