▼Job Responsibilities
Work in a beautiful factory that manufactures supplements.
The job is to put 20~25kg weight loss into the machine.
The same work is done several times a day, so it requires a lot of physical strength!
The room is bright and air-conditioned, so it is easy to work.
Currently, 5 foreigners (Philippines, etc.) are working here.
1,150 〜 1,438 yen per hour
▼Contract Period
Renewal every 3 months
▼Working Days and Hours
Three patterns are available!
You can choose between fixed early shift, fixed late shift, or two rotating shift work! Please feel free to consult with us!
(1) 6:00-15:00 (1 hour break)
(2) 9:00-18:00 (1 hour break)
(3) 15:00 - 24:00 (1 hour break)
Fixation of only (2)9:00〜18:00 is not available.
▼Overtime Details
No overtime
Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays (2 days off per week)
※GW, summer and New Year vacations are available.
※Annual calendar is available.
▼Company Location
A-101, 1575-2, Igiri, Kamisu-shi, Ibaraki
▼Work Location
Mihara-dai, Chonan-cho, Chosei-gun, Chiba
Chonan Industrial Park
・Commuting by car is possible.
・Free parking lot available
・Transportation expenses paid
▼Available Insurance
Social Insurance
Unemployment insurance
Transportation expenses paid
Advance payment OK
▼Smoking Information
Smoking area available
<Remote interviewing is available>
No resume required
Same-day interview OK
You can visit the workplace in advance, so you can work with peace of mind.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.