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Wanted! Care Work Staff for Short Stay Facility in Ibaraki


Wanted! Care Work Staff for Short Stay Facility in Ibaraki

Gambar pekerjaan dari 6323 at Life Support Yamano-0
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The facility is staffed by Indonesian and Filipino employees who are certified caregivers.

Informasi Pekerjaan

Jenis Pekerjaan
Medis・Keperawatan・Kesejahteraan / Perawatan
Cara Bekerja
Paruh Waktu
・笠原町 645-1, Mito, Ibaraki Pref. ( Map Icon Peta )
980 ~ 1,200 / jam

Persyaratan Pekerjaan

Keahlian Bahasa Jeoang
Tingkat percakapan
Tingkat Bahasa Inggris
Tidak Ada
□ Dapat bekerja setidaknya 1 hari per minggu, 4 jam per hari
□ Tingkat Percakapan Bahasa Jepang: Dapat Berbicara Percakapan Sederhana
□ Tingkat Membaca dan Menulis Bahasa Jepang: N3
□ No experience necessary
□ Child care workers are also welcome to apply

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

▼Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Nursing care services at a short-stay facility for the elderly

Job Description:
Assistance with meals and oral care
Bathing, toilet assistance, and clothes changing
*Maximum number of patients: 21
*Care staff: 13
*No driving duties

[Daily Schedule]
6:30 Assist with getting up
7:30 Breakfast
9:00 Bathing
10:00 Recreation
12:00 Lunch
15:00 Recreation
18:30 Bedtime assistance

From 980 yen per hour

▼Jangka Waktu Kontrak
Trial period: 3 months

▼Hari dan Jam Kerja
For those who wish to work shorter hours:
3 to 4 hours between 9:00 and 18:00
1 to 3 days per week

For those who can work regular hours:
6:00 -15:00
7:00 -16:00
9:30 -18:30
10:00 -19:00
Work shifts system
60 minute break
Please consult with us about the number of days and desired shifts.

▼Kerja Lembur

▼Liburan dan Hari Libur
Shift system

▼Pelatihan dan Masa Percobaan
Trial period: 3 months

▼Lokasi perusahaan
645-1 Kasahara-cho, Mito City, Ibaraki Prefecture

▼Tempat Bekerja
645-1 Kasahara-cho, Mito City, Ibaraki Prefecture
Take the Kasahara Circulation Bus from the South Exit of Mito Station, get off at Kasahara Shimin Center, and walk 3 minutes.

▼Asuransi yang tersedia
Social insurance (with conditions for enrollment)

▼Langak-langkah untuk mencegah perokok pasif
Banning of smoking in buildings

Tentang Perusahaan

Life Support Yamano
We are committed to supporting nursing care facilities, human resource development, and international human resources. Our focus is providing nursing care services in order to create a community where people can continue to live with peace of mind. Our goal is to create smiles on the faces of those involved.

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