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Monthly salary 330,000 yen~ dormitory available! Consruction workers! No experience necessary


Monthly salary 330,000 yen~ dormitory available! Consruction workers! No experience necessary

Gambar pekerjaan dari 7197 at koterakensetsu-0
Thumbs Up
Bonus twice a year

Informasi Pekerjaan

Jenis Pekerjaan
Konstruksi / Perancah・Pekerjaan Tanah
Cara Bekerja
Karyawan Penuh Waktu
・横江1-14-18 , Ibaraki, Osaka Pref. ( Map Icon Peta )
12,000 ~ / hari

Persyaratan Pekerjaan

Keahlian Bahasa Jeoang
Tingkat percakapan
Tingkat Bahasa Inggris
Tidak Ada
□ Tingkat Percakapan Bahasa Jepang: Dapat Berbicara Percakapan Sederhana
□ Tingkat Membaca dan Menulis Bahasa Jepang: Hanya Hiragana dan Katakana
□ Inexperienced people are welcome
□ Permanent Resident" and "Permanent Resident" holders

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

▼Deskripsi Pekerjaan
🛠️ Work Details

• Asbestos Survey
• Asbestos Removal Work
• Dioxin Removal Work

🛡️ Safety First

• We know handling asbestos and dioxin can be scary.
• We use proper equipment to keep you safe. 🛡️
• You can work with peace of mind. 😊

🎁 Bonuses

• Paid twice a year after one year of service 🎉
• Amount depends on your contribution 📊

🛑 Important

• Salary is not guaranteed during holidays like Golden Week and New Year 🌟

▼Jangka Waktu Kontrak
No fixed term of contract

▼Hari dan Jam Kerja
8:30 - 17:30 (may vary depending on site)
1 hour break
Travel time to the site is not included in working hours.

▼Kerja Lembur
No overtime work

▼Liburan dan Hari Libur
🗓️ Work Schedule

• Closed: Sundays, holidays, and every other Saturday 📅
• Work Days: Sometimes work is needed depending on the site 🔧
• If you work on a day off, you will get another day off instead 🌟
• Other Days: Determined by the company calendar 🗓️

▼Pelatihan dan Masa Percobaan
Training period: 3 months
You will study conversation, manners, and rules of construction

▼Lokasi perusahaan
1-14-18 Yokoe, Ibaraki City, Osaka, Japan

▼Tempat Bekerja
1-14-18 Yokoe, Ibaraki City, Osaka, Japan
This is the company office, so we gather here first and drive to each job site.
The location of the work site changes from day to day.

▼Asuransi yang tersedia
🏥 Insurance and Benefits

• Health Insurance 🏥
• Employees’ Pension 💼
• Unemployment Insurance 📉
• Life and Accident Insurance (after one year) 🚑

▼Kesejahteraan dan Tunjangan Lainnya
Retirement benefits available
Paid vacations available

▼Langak-langkah untuk mencegah perokok pasif
No smoking in the office
No smoking in cars
Smoking is only allowed in the smoking area on site

▼Komen Lainnya
If you need a dormitory, we will provide one (the company will pay half of the cost).
Commuting is basically by foot, bicycle, or motorcycle.
Car commuting is negotiable.

Tentang Perusahaan

Summer is hot and the position requires a lot of hard work, but bonuses will be reflected depending on your efforts.
As a corporation with excellent benefits and health management, the company will provide individual insurance coverage. (Only for those who have worked for the company for more than 1 year)
We welcome those who are strong in the heat and proud of their strength!
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