
【Oita, Hayami City, Hiji Town】No experience required! Flexible Shift! Laundry Service Staff!

आवेदन गर्नुहोस्

【Oita, Hayami City, Hiji Town】No experience required! Flexible Shift! Laundry Service Staff!

HOTSTAFF Oita मा 13114 को काम चित्र-0
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No experience required
No age requirement
Shifts are available from 3 days a week

कामको जानकारी

कामको प्रकार
सफाई / उत्पादन सफाई
रोजगारीको प्रकार
अस्थायी कर्मचारी
・Hayamigun Hijimachi, Oita Pref.
1,010 ~ 1,263 / घण्टा

कामको आवश्यकता

जापानी निवेदन
अंग्रेजी स्तर
कुनै पनि
□ जापानी वार्तालाप स्तर: साधारण वार्तालाप गर्न सक्छ।
□ जापानी वाचन तथा लेखन स्तर: N4
□ No experience necessary and no age required.
आवेदन गर्नुहोस्

Working Hours

न्यूनतम काम दिनहरू :
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri, Sat, Hol मा ३ दिन
न्यूनतम काम घण्टा:
कार्यदिवसहरू 8:30 देखि 17:00 सम्म ७ घण्टा
सप्ताहन्तहरू 8:30 देखि 17:00 सम्म ७ घण्टा

कामको विवरण

▼कामको जिम्मेवारी
Laundry Worker

- Separate sheets and towels by type
- Put dirty sheets and towels into the machine to be washed
- Irons sheets and towels after washing to make them clean
- Neatly folds the finished sheets and towels

Hourly wage ranges from 1,010 yen to 1,263 yen

Example of monthly income is 155,540 yen
(Hourly wage and actual working hours: 7 hours, 22 days a month)

Transportation expenses are paid as stipulated.
Overtime work is paid separately.

▼अनुबंधको अवधि
Renewal every 2 months

▼कामको दिन र समय
Working hours 8:30~17:00
Break time 1 hour and 30 minutes

▼अतिधिक कामको विवरण
No fixed overtime

Closed on Wednesdays and Sundays
Completely two days off per week
Holiday requests can be discussed
Minimum of 3 days per week is possible


▼कम्पनीको स्थान
1F Shingai Royal Heights, 5-20 Hiyoshi-cho, Oita City, Oita Prefecture

▼कामको स्थान
Kawasaki, Hinode-cho, Hayami gun, Oita

Closest Station: Hiji Station on the JR Nippo Main Line
4 minutes drive from the station
12 minutes on foot

▼उपलब्ध बीमा
Full social insurance

- Paid leave system
- P-Concierge preferential service
- Advance payment system (Up to 100,000 yen from the amount worked in the current month)
- Friend referral system (You&Me Bonus)
- Award system (Best Staff Award, Excellent Staff Award)
- Retirement benefit system (Paid after 3 continuous years of service)

▼सिगरेट पार्ने अवस्था
In principle, smoking is prohibited on the premises, and smoking rooms will be set up.
आवेदन गर्नुहोस्
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