
(Oita City, Oita) High wages of 1,300 yen / Simple Cooking Assistant in the Factory Cafeteria.

आवेदन गर्नुहोस्

(Oita City, Oita) High wages of 1,300 yen / Simple Cooking Assistant in the Factory Cafeteria.

HOTSTAFF Oita मा 13121 को काम चित्र-0
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No experience required!
High hourly wages!
Work-life balanced environment!

कामको जानकारी

कामको प्रकार
भोजनालय / खाद्य बिक्री
रोजगारीको प्रकार
अस्थायी कर्मचारी
・下白木 , Oita, Oita Pref. ( Map Icon नक्सा )
1,300 ~ 1,625 / घण्टा

कामको आवश्यकता

जापानी निवेदन
अंग्रेजी स्तर
कुनै पनि
□ जापानी वार्तालाप स्तर: साधारण वार्तालाप गर्न सक्छ।
□ जापानी वाचन तथा लेखन स्तर: N4
□ Experience not required
□ Experience, knowledge, skills, etc. preferred
आवेदन गर्नुहोस्

Working Hours

न्यूनतम काम दिनहरू :
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Hol मा ५ दिन
न्यूनतम काम घण्टा:
कार्यदिवसहरू 6:00 देखि 19:00 सम्म ८ घण्टा
सप्ताहन्तहरू 6:00 देखि 19:00 सम्म ८ घण्टा

कामको विवरण

▼कामको जिम्मेवारी
Companies providing food services in offices and factories

・Mainly assisting in cooking in the factory cafeteria
・Prepare cooking utensils for use by preparing utensils
・Prepare foodstuffs
・Peeling and prepping foodstuffs
・Cleaning up, cleaning and washing up
・Cooking according to recipes such as simmered and deep-fried dishes!

Hourly wage: 1,300~1,625
Example of monthly salary: 228,800 yen Breakdown: hourly wage x 8 hours worked x 22 days + transportation expenses (stipulated)
Overtime work will be paid separately.

▼अनुबंधको अवधि
Renewal every 2 months

▼कामको दिन र समय
1) 6:00~13:00
2) 8:00~17:00
3) 10:00~19:00
5.5 to 8 hours per day, 1 hour break
Full-time day shift welcome Shift system / 5 days a week

▼अतिधिक कामको विवरण

Free shift system
Two days off per week
Shift system including Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays
Holiday requests can be discussed


▼कम्पनीको स्थान
1F Shingai Royal Heights, 5-20 Hiyoshi-cho, Oita City, Oita Prefecture

▼कामको स्थान
Yawata, Oita City, Oita Prefecture
6 minutes drive from JR Nippo Main Line (Mojiko~Saeki) Nishi-Oita Station.

▼उपलब्ध बीमा
Full social insurance

- Paid Leave System
- P-Concierge preferential service
- Advance salary payment system (up to 100,000 yen from the amount worked during the month)
- Friend referral system (You&Me bonus)
- Award system (Best Staff Award, Excellent Staff Award)
- Retirement benefit system (paid after 3 years of continuous service)

▼सिगरेट पार्ने अवस्था
No smoking indoors in principle (smoking areas available)
आवेदन गर्नुहोस्

कम्पनी बारेमा

Hot Stuff Oita Chuo opened in Oita City in October 2022 with the aim of becoming a temporary staffing agency loved by everyone in the community.
If you want to work right away, immediate employment is available. All of our employees are looking forward to hearing from you.

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