
【Oita, Oita-City】No Experience Necessary! We Are Looking For Short Time Baristas For Our Cafe!

आवेदन गर्नुहोस्

【Oita, Oita-City】No Experience Necessary! We Are Looking For Short Time Baristas For Our Cafe!

HOTSTAFF Oita मा 13140 को काम चित्र-0
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This is a great opportunity to learn barista skills in a cafe chain.

Short working hours and dependents are available.

1100 yen per hour + transportation expenses paid.

कामको जानकारी

कामको प्रकार
खुद्रा ग्राहक सेवा / वस्तुब्यापी
रोजगारीको प्रकार
・Oita, Oita Pref.
1,100 ~ 1,375 / घण्टा

कामको आवश्यकता

जापानी निवेदन
व्यवसाय स्तर
अंग्रेजी स्तर
कुनै पनि
□ जापानी वार्तालाप स्तर: दैनिक स्थितिहरूको बारेमा स्वतंत्र रूपमा बोल्न सक्नुहुन्छ।
□ जापानी वाचन तथा लेखन स्तर: N3
□ No experience required.
□ Holders of status-based Visa (Permanent Resident, Permanent Resident, Spouse, Japanese Nationality, Special Permanent Resident)
आवेदन गर्नुहोस्

Working Hours

न्यूनतम काम दिनहरू :
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Hol मा ४ दिन
न्यूनतम काम घण्टा:
कार्यदिवसहरू 10:30 देखि 15:00 सम्म ४ घण्टा
सप्ताहन्तहरू 10:30 देखि 15:00 सम्म ४ घण्टा

कामको विवरण

▼कामको जिम्मेवारी
- Making and serving delicious coffee to customers
- Helping to make drinks on the menu

【Cashier】】helps to make and serve delicious coffee to customers.
- Accurately handles customer orders at the cash register
- Gentle and courteous to customers during the checkout process

Cleaning Staff
- Tidies up and cleans the restaurant, arranges tables and chairs neatly.
- Help maintain a clean and pleasant space

Cooking assistance
- Prepare simple food items for serving.
- Enjoy working while assisting with cooking

You will work at 1100 yen per hour. Overtime work will be paid separately.

▼अनुबंधको अवधि
Employment period: renewed every two months

▼कामको दिन र समय
【Working hours】
You will work from 10:30 to 15:00 shifts.

No break time.
No breaks.

Minimum working hours
4.5 hours per day.

Minimum working days
4 days per week.

The work term is renewable every two months. Shifts are required, but those who are able to work two days off per week and can accommodate shifts including weekends and holidays are welcomed. We will consult with you regarding your holiday preferences.

▼अतिधिक कामको विवरण
Basically none.

Varies depending on shift


▼कम्पनीको स्थान
1F Shingai Royal Heights, 5-20 Hiyoshi-cho, Oita City, Oita Prefecture

▼कामको स्थान
Nearest station: 3 minutes drive from Takagi Station on JR Nippo Main Line
Access: 10 min. walk from "Norikoshi/Oita Bus" bus stop
Car commuting possible (according to company regulations)

▼उपलब्ध बीमा
Social insurance (health insurance, employee pension insurance, unemployment insurance, workers' accident compensation insurance)

- Paid vacations (valid for 2 years)
- Advance pay system (up to 100,000 yen from the amount worked during the month)
- You&Me Bonus (Dream Bonus)" referral system
- Award system (awards for best staff and excellent staff are given every February)
- Retirement allowance system (paid after 3 years of continuous employment)
- P-Concier" welfare program provides temporary staff and their families with preferential prices and services.

▼सिगरेट पार्ने अवस्था
Smoking is prohibited in principle in the Shikoku area (Smoking room facilities).
आवेदन गर्नुहोस्

कम्पनी बारेमा

Hot Stuff Oita Chuo opened in Oita City in October 2022 with the aim of becoming a temporary staffing agency loved by everyone in the community.
If you want to work right away, immediate employment is available. All of our employees are looking forward to hearing from you.

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