यो प्रस्ताव समाप्त भएको छ।


【Gifu city】¥1,700/hour! Construction Management Support for Concrete Bridges

आवेदन गर्नुहोस्

【Gifu city】¥1,700/hour! Construction Management Support for Concrete Bridges

RYOUBI Co., Ltd. मा 3748 को काम चित्र-0
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No qualification needed! Experience in the construction field required.
Free dormitory available! Weekends off.
GW, Obon, and New Year vacations are available.

कामको जानकारी

कामको प्रकार
निर्माण कार्य / निर्माण प्रबन्धन ・ स्थल पर्यवेक्षक
रोजगारीको प्रकार
अस्थायी कर्मचारी
・Gifu, Gifu Pref.
1,700 ~ 2,125 / घण्टा

कामको आवश्यकता

जापानी निवेदन
अंग्रेजी स्तर
कुनै पनि
□ हप्तामा कम्तीमा ५ दिन दिन, प्रति दिन ८ घण्टा घण्टा काम गर्न सक्ने व्यक्ति
□ जापानी वार्तालाप स्तर: साधारण वार्तालाप गर्न सक्छ।
□ जापानी वाचन तथा लेखन स्तर: हिरागाना र काताकाना पढ्न सक्छु
□ Experience in the construction filed needed
□ Able to use Excel
□ CAD (just enough to be able to edit)
□ No academic background required
□ Have one of the following visa: Permanent, Long-term, Spouse visa
आवेदन गर्नुहोस्

कामको विवरण

▼कामको जिम्मेवारी
Construction management in bridge construction (support work for inexperienced workers).
・General construction management work related to concrete bridge construction
(Support work for those with little practical experience)
・Revise and process construction drawings using CAD.
・Input surveyed data into Excel format.

¥1,700 - ¥2,125/hour

▼अनुबंधको अवधि
December 2022 - May 2024

▼कामको दिन र समय
Working days: 5 days a week, Monday to Friday
Working hours: 8:00 - 17:00 (8 hours of actual work)
Break time: 60 minutes

▼अतिधिक कामको विवरण
1 hour/day on average (depending on workload)

Saturdays, Sundays (2 days off per week)
GW, summer vacation, New Year holidays, annual paid vacation

▼कम्पनीको स्थान
Higashiyashiki 45, Okinoshima, Shippocho, Ama, Aichi

▼कामको स्थान
Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture

▼उपलब्ध बीमा
Social Insurance
Employees' Pension
Employment insurance
Workers' Accident Compensation Insurance

Free Dormitory
Uniform rental
Annual paid vacation

▼सिगरेट पार्ने अवस्था
Outside smoking area available

Contact for interview
1.Send your resume and work history by e-mail
2.Interview online (face-to-face)
3.Face to face meeting at the client company
आवेदन गर्नुहोस्
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