Do you have a Bank Account in Japan?
One of the essential preparations for working in Japan is to open a bank account to receive your salary.
This article will introduce you to Japanese Bank systems and steps to open a bank in Japan.
Japan bank opening hours are from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. If you are familiar with the many facilities they provide, Japanese banks can provide excellent services.
However, some things may not seem all that convenient initially. For instance, the ATMs close early. Many close every day at 5:00 pm (and most on Sunday at 5:00 pm); others remain open until 7:00 pm or 8:00 pm.
Although Japanese ATMs allow you to withdraw large amounts of money, it is more difficult to get cash before 8:00am. Many ATMs are also closed on holidays, so be sure to have a full wallet before following any vacation plans. There are signs that are posted well in advance announcing the closing day during national holidays, so check your bank before leaving.
Fortunately, you still have the konbini by your side, which provides 24-hour ATM services. Though, in many cases convenience store ATMs charge a fee for withdrawing money.
You will receive a bankbook, a cash card, and online account management information as soon as possible after finishing the registration to open a new bank account. Most Japanese banks now also provide telephone services and internet banking.
Japanese ATMs are multifunctional. Not only do they allow you to take money in and out and keep your bankbook up to date, but they also allow you to buy airline tickets and, oddly enough, things that require a deposit.
1. Must be in Japan for at least 6 months for work or study.
2. Must have obtained a certificate of residence.
However, some banks, such as Yuucho Bank, will allow you to open an ordinary account if your period of stay is 3 months or longer.
・Hanko (Name Stamp)
In Japan, there are many situations that require a Hanko (Name Stamp) instead of a signature, so make one as soon as you start living in Japan!
・Phone Number
Some cell phone companies have strict screening procedures, making it difficult for foreigners to pass the contract screening process.When foreigners staying in Japan for a long period of time have a cell phone, a cell phone with a post-paid SIM card is convenient.
・Identification Documents
Residence card or passport is valid.
・Documents that can verify the address
Certificates of residence or bills or receipts for electricity, gas, water, NHK, landline phone, etc. are valid. However, cell phone bills are often not accepted as proof.
To open an account, you will visit the bank as you would for Japanese nationals, bringing with you the necessary documents and other items mentioned earlier. However, most banks don’t have English language assistance. So bring your friend or company representative who can speak Japanese, if you can.
Walk into your preferred local bank and fill out the required forms. You will be given the choice of your 4-digit personal identification number (PIN) and receive a bank book (tsūchō – 通帳) that you can use to keep updating your account balance and transaction history in any of the bank’s ATMs.
Your bank or passbook will contain your account name written in katakana or romaji, your local branch’s 3-digit sort code (misebangō – 店番号), and your 7-digit account number (kōzabangō – 口座番号). If your passbook is full, you can ask to get a new one from the branch where you opened your account.
A general deposit account known as futsū yokin – 普通預金 is the most common form of Japan’s bank account. The interest rates are currently meager.
Once you have opened your account, you will receive your cash card in the post, which you can use to make withdrawals in your bank. If you are making a withdrawal at another bank’s branch, which is not your own, you may be liable for a service charge. There are also extra pay charges for services outside normal 9:00 am – 5:00 pm weekdays banking hours, except for Yuucho Bank, where withdrawals are always free.
・Yuucho (Post Office Savings) Bank
To stay and work in Japan for a long time, opening a bank account will be the first step. Opening a bank in Japan may seem complicated, but you can basically open a bank account by preparing the necessary documents and visiting the bank.
Once you have opened a bank account, Let’s use Guidable to find a job!
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