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No Experience Required! Keeping An Inventory Of Store Products


No Experience Required! Keeping An Inventory Of Store Products

Job image of 9144 at AJIS KYUSHU CO.LTD.-0
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A light job to help calculate and keep an inventory of store goods.

Job Information

Job Type
Retail・Customer Service / Other
Work Type
・平井790-5 , Yamaguchi, Yamaguchi Pref. ( Map Icon Map )
・安次嶺6-15 , Naha, Okinawa Pref. ( Map Icon Map )
・泡瀬5-12-4 , Okinawa, Okinawa Pref. ( Map Icon Map )
・干尽町5-3 , Sasebo, Nagasaki Pref. ( Map Icon Map )
・上荒田町44-23 , Kagoshima, Kagoshima Pref. ( Map Icon Map )
・南花ヶ島町63-2 , Miyazaki, Miyazaki Pref. ( Map Icon Map )
1,000 ~ 1,180 / hour

Job Requirement

Japanese Level
English Level
□ Can work at least 3 days per week, 8 hours per day
□ Japanese conversational level: Can make simple conversation
□ Japanese reading and writing level: N4
□ No experience is required!
□ Long-term workers are preferred!
□ Holding two or more jobs concurrently is allowed!
□ Freelance workers and homemakers are active in our company!

Job Description

▼Job Responsibilities
It is an easy job to calculate the number of items by scanning barcodes with a handheld terminal akin to a remote control.
You'll visit two convenience stores daily (one in the morning and one in the afternoon) during your shifts.
An effortless work that can you can commence with no previous experience.
You can work peacefully as careful training and support from senior staff will be provided.

【Hourly Wage】

■Example of income: Hourly wage ¥1,000 / 3 days a week
(¥1,000 x 8h) x 14 days = ¥112,000

■Allowance depending on skills: +JPY50~JPY180

▼Contract Period
■Employment period is fixed: 2 months or more
■Contract renewal: In principle, the contract will be renewed.
■After the first renewal, the contract will be renewed every 6 months.

▼Working Days and Hours
【Working Days】
3 days a week (during weekdays)

【Working Hours】
8:30-18:00, 8 hours per day (1 hour break)

■Please consult with us about your preferred shifts and work days
■Working hours may vary depending on the day.

▼Overtime Details
■Overtime work allowance is available

■Shift system (you work based on your registered shift days)
■Generally, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays are off.
■Please consult with us regarding your available number of working days/week.

▼Work Location
■This position involves visiting two convenience stores per day (one in the morning and one in the afternoon).
*Meet at the office and drive to the stores in a company car, or commute by private car or motorcycle.

【Office Location】
■Yamaguchi Office: No.2 Okita Bldg. 1F, 790-5 Hirai, Yamaguchi-shi, Yamaguchi 753-0831, Japan
 (1 minute walk from Yamaguchi Daigaku-mae bus stop)

■Sasebo Office: Room 2, 2nd floor, Utaka Building, 5-3 Hoshinmachi, Sasebo, Nagasaki 857-0852
 (5 minutes walk from JR Sasebo Station)

■Kagoshima Office: Inklease Bldg. 3F, 44-23 Kamiaradacho, Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture, 890-0055, Japan
 (1 min. walk from Karaminato Electric Railway Station)

■Miyazaki Office: 8th Daiko Bldg. 3F, 63-2 Minami Hanagashima-cho, Miyazaki-shi, Miyazaki 880-0055, Japan
 (4 minutes walk from JR Miyazaki Jingu Station)

■Okinawa South Office: 6-15-102, Adjimine, Naha City, Okinawa 901-0143, Japan
 (10 minutes on foot from Akamine Station on the monorail)

■Okinawa North Office: 2F Chinen Store, 5-12-4 Awase, Okinawa City, Okinawa 904-2172, Japan
 (5 minutes walk from Awase San-ku Iriguchi bus stop)

▼Available Insurance
Full social insurance

■Uniform loaned
■Transportation and gasoline allowance provided (up to 30,000 yen, from 85 yen for a one-way trip of 2 km or more)
■Overtime work and travel allowance provided
■Weekly pay (a service that allows you to receive a portion of the salary you have worked for before the payday. Available for paychecks of 5,100 yen or more).
Receiving policy: Apply in increments of ¥1,000.
Up to twice a day (fee ¥480/time)
Opportunity for monthly salary increase (up to +180 yen)
■Paid vacations
■Training programs provided

▼Smoking Information
Smoking indoors is prohibited

About Company

AJIS KYUSHU CO.LTD. provides a variety of human resource outsourcing services in the Hiroshima, Yamaguchi, and Kyushu areas. These services include inventory, remodeling, merchandise display, and research.

We support the growth and competitiveness of our distribution and retail clients.

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