
[Tokyo,Bunkyo] We Are Looking For A Medical Supply Delivery Staff!

आवेदन गर्नुहोस्

[Tokyo,Bunkyo] We Are Looking For A Medical Supply Delivery Staff!

Bohsei Science Co. मा 12462 को काम चित्र-0
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Large international staff!
Weekends and holidays off, ideal for those who prefer to focus on their private life. No experience necessary.
शुरुआती स्तरको जापानी संग रोजगार

कामको जानकारी

कामको प्रकार
लॉजिस्टिक्स / ट्रक चालक
रोजगारीको प्रकार
・本郷5-5-14 , Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo ( Map Icon नक्सा )
1,200 ~ / घण्टा

कामको आवश्यकता

जापानी निवेदन
अंग्रेजी स्तर
कुनै पनि
□ जापानी वार्तालाप स्तर: साधारण जापानी बोल्न सक्छ।
□ जापानी वाचन तथा लेखन स्तर: N5
□ साधारण गाडी लाइसेन्स आवश्यकता छ
□ We have people from all different backgrounds, including inexperienced workers, middle-aged individuals, homemakers, and part-time workers.
आवेदन गर्नुहोस्

Working Hours

न्यूनतम काम दिनहरू :
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri मा ५ दिन
न्यूनतम काम घण्टा:
कार्यदिवसहरू 8:00 देखि 17:00 सम्म ८ घण्टा

कामको विवरण

▼कामको जिम्मेवारी
Medical supply delivery and picking staff.

This job is to deliver medical supplies from a warehouse to a hospital by car.
This is an important job that supports the medical field and is very rewarding.

- Deliver medical supplies in the warehouse by car.
- After the delivery work is over and you return to the company, you will be asked to do some picking work as well.
- drive a standard car.

There is a training period and full support.

Salary is 1,200 yen per hour.

All transportation expenses are paid.
Payroll is due on the 15th and paid on the 25th.

▼अनुबंधको अवधि
Annual contract.

▼कामको दिन र समय
[Working hours]
7 hours and 30 minutes from 8:00 to 16:30

[Break time]
60 minutes

▼अतिधिक कामको विवरण
Generally none

Saturdays, Sundays and holidays off
(Complete two days off per week)

Paid vacations, congratulation or condolence leave, year-end and New Year vacations

There is a probationary period for the first 3 months of employment.

▼कामको स्थान
[Company Name]
Tokyo Office, Mochiboshi Science Co.

5-5-14 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo

Tokyo Metro Marunouchi Line Hongo-sanchome station 5 minutes by walking
Toei Oedo Line Hongo-sanchome station 5 minutes by walking

▼उपलब्ध बीमा
Social insurance and unemployment insurance

- Social insurance and unemployment insurance
- Paid vacations
- All transportation expenses paid
- Uniform rental

▼सिगरेट पार्ने अवस्था
No smoking indoors
आवेदन गर्नुहोस्

कम्पनी बारेमा

Bohsei Science Co.
This company supplies medical supplies and other items to medical institutions.
You will help us deliver what is needed for hospitals when it is needed.
We sincerely look forward to receiving applications from motivated individuals.

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